Policies - Section 3500 » 3570 - (IHBAA) Special Education Evaluation Procedures and Evaluation Requirements for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities

3570 - (IHBAA) Special Education Evaluation Procedures and Evaluation Requirements for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities

3570 (IHBAA) Evaluation Requirements for Children 3570 (IHBAA)
with Specific Learning Disabilities

A specific learning disability is determined through professional judgment using multiple
sources of supporting evidence. The determination of a specific learning disability will
be made by a multi-disciplinary team per the federal requirements of 34CFR Part
300.308 and Ed 1103 and Ed 1107 of the New Hampshire Rules for the Education of
Children with Disabilities.

The Milford School District Specific Learning Disability Eligibility Form shall be utilized
to determine the existence of a specific learning disability using multiple sources of data
to identify a child’s pattern of strengths and challenges in performance, academic
achievement, or both, relative to age, intellectual development, and state-approved
grade-level standards. The manner in which a student responds to instruction and
intervention will also be considered in the determination of eligibility as a child with a
specific learning disability.

The required team shall include a minimum: parent/ legal guardian/educational
surrogate/adult student, child’s regular education teacher or regular classroom teacher
qualified to teach a child of his/her age, a special education teacher, person(s) qualified
to conduct individual diagnostic evaluation of children and a Local Education Agency
(LEA) representative.

Based on RSA 200:59, if a special education referral is made for further evaluation, the
state’s required timeline shall be followed.

Legal References:
RSA 200:59
34 C.F.R. §§ 300.307-309
Ed 1103 and Ed 1107
Adopted: 10/2012
Revised: 12/2016, 2/2018, 6/2024