Policies - Section 6000 » 6035 - School Properties Disposal Procedure

6035 - School Properties Disposal Procedure

6035 School Properties Disposal Procedure 6035
The Board authorizes the disposal of capital items according to the following priority actions:
  1. Sale of the items to the highest bidder through a process that is fair and in the best interest of the District.
  2. Donation of items to Milford students and/or Milford residents.
  3. Donation of such items to charitable organizations and schools.
  4. Removal of items to the Milford recycling center, or other disposal methods used by the District.
Sale of real estate will be by the vote of the electorate of the School District at an annual or special School District meeting, and the revenue derived therefrom will be returned to the general fund to defray costs of current expenses, unless otherwise directed by the voters.
Fixed asset inventories will be amended to reflect changes in values through disposal.

Reference: CFR 34, Sec 80.32

Adopted: 6/2009