Title 1 Programs
What is Title I?
Title I, Part A - provides opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills to meet the State proficiency standards. This purpose is accomplished in two ways: (1) by providing children supplemental support through enriched and accelerated education programs; and (2) by providing instructional personnel in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development.
What is Title I in the Milford School District?
The Title I program provides supplemental reading and mathematics instruction at Jacques Memorial School and Heron Pond Elementary School.
Students are invited to participate in the Title I program based upon benchmark and progress monitoring data, classroom performance, and teacher recommendation. Parental permission is required for student participation in the Title I program.
Learning Beyond the School Year
We can help your student learn and grow during the summer months by providing a safe and supportive environment for hands-on learning, exploring new skills and making new friends. The Title 1 Summer Academy provides academic instruction and reinforcement in reading, writing, and math. Please feel free to contact Leslie Whitney at (603) 673-4434 OR Dr. Heather Pelkey at (603) 673-1811 with any questions.
Title I - Parent Right to Know
Jacques Memorial School
Heron Pond Elementary School
The Title I Program at Heron Pond Elementary School provides supplemental instruction, in both reading and mathematics, in grades 2-5. Students first receive whole class instruction from their classroom teachers. Subsequently, Title I interventionists provide small group, supplemental instruction with the goal of improving the foundational reading and/or math skills of students.
Title I groups meet daily, Monday-Thursday. Reading groups range from 30 to 60 minutes in length, while the majority of math groups last 30 minutes. Additionally, some students participate in math practice using computer-based programs first thing in the morning, either in addition to or in lieu of another math group throughout the day.
Our reading interventions include Fundations, Wilson Fluency, Comprehension Toolkit, Keys to Literacy strategies, Fluency Tutor and Lexia-Core 5. Our mathematics interventions include differentiated Everyday Math and Do the Math. Additionally, we incorporate computer based programs such as ALEKS and RedBird.
Contact Milford's
Title I Program:
Dr. Heather Pelkey, Heron Pond Curriculum & Title I Coordinator [email protected]603-673-1811
Leslie Whitney, Jacques Assistant Principal / Curriculum & Title I Coordinator [email protected]603-673-4434