2020 - April

Apr 16, 2020, 1:37 PM           
Good Afternoon Milford Community:
I hope this note finds everyone well! It's hard to believe we are coming to the close of another week of remote learning in the Milford School District. My deepest thanks to everyone for all the tremendous work that is being done on a daily basis to serve our students and families. I'm writing with an important update, and to share a new resource we have developed for you. 
This afternoon, Governor Sununu will announce that all New Hampshire schools will remain in remote learning for the remainder of the year. He shared that in time, officials will be working to flex certain things to relax restrictions, however we should be prepared to be in this for some time. He encouraged districts to get creative with virtual proms and graduations, so we will continue to think creatively as to how to provide these special opportunities for the Class of 2020.
As I shared earlier this week, the School Board voted Monday night to remain in remote learning until the end of the 19-20 School Year, and to continue school through Spring Break. The last day for students will be on May 29th. 
Tomorrow, we will take part in a call with the Commissioner and the Department of Education to discuss Summer Programming and ESY services, amongst other important topics. We will continue to share information with you as we receive it. 
To continue to support our remote learning plan, we have created a Resource Hub for parents, students, and teachers. The SAU-40 Resource Hub is a compilation of resources that has been created to provide help for Milford teachers and families in supporting our students towards achieving meaningful and engaged learning during this unprecedented time. Please click on the link below, which will take you to this resource.
We appreciate your continued understanding, flexibility, and support as we navigate this situation together. 

Dr. Jessica Huizenga
Apr 14, 2020, 11:06 AM           

Dear Milford Community:


It’s hard to believe we are about a month into our remote learning system. Again, I just want to express my heartfelt thanks to all the students, families, teachers, staff, and our administrative team for all the tremendous work that has been done to ensure that we continue to provide excellent educational services to students during this time. I want to say a special thanks to Bill Cooper and our Maintenance and Custodial staff for the exceptional job they have done in deep cleaning our buildings. Also, a tremendous shout out to our Food Service staff for continuing to prepare and serve thousands of meals each week to our families. 


If you haven’t followed our District Facebook page, Instagram, or Twitter, please check us out on our handle @WeAreSau40. There are so many wonderful videos, clips, and information that celebrate many incredible moments throughout our learning community, despite this pandemic. 


I’m writing with some important updates to share with you regarding the remainder of the School Year. As always, if you have any questions or need of support, please reach out to your child’s Teacher, Case Manager, or Principal. If you have any District level questions, don’t hesitate to contact the SAU. 


19-20 School Year


Last night, the Milford School Board voted to continue remote learning through Spring Break, and for the remainder of the school year. This means students will not return to the school buildings, and will remain in remote learning until the end of the year. The Board also voted to end the 19-20 school year on Friday, May 29th for all students. This includes Seniors. 


We understand that this has been a very difficult way for all of our students to end this school year. This holds true most especially for our Seniors who are missing many moments that are so anticipated, and we empathize. We will continue to brainstorm as a leadership team, creative ways to celebrate and provide opportunities for the Class of 2020 to end their High School years in the best possible way. 


20-21 School Year


The Milford School Board approved the 20-21 School Year Calendar last evening. Please see the district website later this evening for the final calendar, which will be posted then. Staff will report Aug. 24th – 25th.  The first day for students is Aug. 26th. The last day for students is June 11th. 


Student Services Department


Last night, the Milford School Board voted to retitle the Director of Special Services to “Executive Director of Student Support Services.” The person will lead, operate, and manage all aspects of the Student Support Services department, including all schools and special programs.  This position requires a systems-level/district leader to effectively integrate several student services and programs. The purpose of this re-titling and 2-year restructuring process is to more clearly define roles, responsibilities, and reporting structures of Student Services. It also formally defines 504, Out of District Placements, Counseling, SEL/Mental Health, Nursing, English Language Learners, and McKinney Vento Homeless as part of Student Support Services. This will also require the retitling of the Assistant Director of Special Services to “Assistant Director of Student Support Services”, and Director of Student Services at MHS to “Director of School Counseling.”


Grading and Reporting – Remainder of the 19-20 School Year


Elementary School:


  • Continued focus on the most essential knowledge and skills during this remote learning time.
  • As required by law, assessment of student learning during this remote period will occur to gather evidence of progress with recognition that students have received varying levels of home support.
  • Ongoing feedback to students and parents regarding progress made and areas for growth.


End-of-Year Report Cards - Elementary


  • Teachers will provide parents with a narrative that will accompany the end-of-year report card. The narrative will share which concepts and skills were addressed through remote learning as well as individual student progress.
  • Teachers will complete the 3rd trimester report card to the extent possible including focus areas during remote learning.  Any areas that are not addressed, or unable to be assessed will be noted.

Middle School:


• Continued focus on the most essential knowledge and skills during this remote learning time.

• Assessment of student learning to gather evidence of progress made.

• Ongoing feedback to students and parents regarding progress made and areas for growth.

• Qtr. 3 – Recognizing the end of Q3 was a transitional period from classroom to remote learning, students will only be able to improve the grade they had from previous to the start of remote learning.  Any missing assignments will be marked with an “M” in PowerSchool and ample opportunity will be allowed for student to complete, redo (if desired), and turn-in work. 

• Qtr. 4 – Grading will take place as usual with grace and flexibility granted to students for assignment completion and opportunities to retake assignments without penalty for lateness. 

  • Any Q4 assignment not turned in will be marked “M” for missing in PS until an earned grade is entered.
  • At the end of Q4, an “M” in PowerSchool will be calculated as a minimum score of 55%.


High School:


  • Continued focus on the most essential knowledge and skills during this remote learning time.
  • Assessment of student learning to gather evidence of progress made toward course expectations.
  • Ongoing feedback to students regarding progress made and areas for growth.
  • FINAL GRADES: Teachers have the utmost flexibility with the gradebook so that the final grade will be the most accurate portrayal of student’s learning for the semester/term, which will be reflected in one final grade on the student transcript.
  • Grace and flexibility will be granted to students for assignment completion without penalty for lateness. Student will have opportunities for rewrites/retakes for earned grade. 
  • Any assignment not completed and turned in will be designated as “missing” in PS, which calculates as a zero in the gradebook until an earned grade is entered. 
  • A “Special Grade Consideration” process has been established to address equity and equal access.
    • At the end of the term, a student/parent or teacher may submit a form requesting special grade consideration. 
    • The form will allow them to explain the special circumstances that led to the grade. 
    • This form will be submitted to the School Counseling Department. 
    • School counselor and/or teacher will present a recommendation to the Review Team. 
    • If the Review Team requires more information, a meeting with the student/parent will be requested. 
    • Possible outcomes may include a pass/fail grade, course marked incomplete with remediation, or remove the course from transcript.

Social Distancing


A friendly reminder that local, state, and federal authorities continue to promote Social Distancing as a key means to flattening the curve and spread of the corona-virus. Please keep that in mind during your daily activities and those of your students. 


We hope you and your families continue to be healthy, safe, and well. I know all of us at SAU 40 miss our students, and our colleagues. We look forward to resuming our regular school operation in August. In the meantime, we will continue to update you with the latest information we have.


Have a wonderful day, 

Dr. Jessica Huizenga





Apr 2, 2020, 4:38 PM     

Dear Milford Community:


It’s hard to believe we have been at remote learning for two and a half weeks now. I hope everyone continues to be safe, healthy, and finding bright moments during this disruption to our daily lives. Personally, I have enjoyed resurrecting my cooking skills, planning family dinners, and having time together that always seemed to take second place to something else. I have also seen first-hand with my own middle schooler the challenges, stressors, and difficulties this pandemic has created. I am in awe of all of our parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and our students for the amazing work they continue to do on a daily basis during this time. 


Our remote learning roll-out has been a tremendous success thus far. Last Friday and Monday, we did our second deployment of our Elementary Blizzard Bags. Thank you to all the administrators, staff, and volunteers who made the process so seamless. Thank you to all of the parents who dropped off completed bags from the first week and a half of our remote learning model. A lot of good work and learning was accomplished during that time. I also want to thank all of our families district-wide for supporting your child's learning at home while juggling a million other things.


We have received hundreds of responses from our parent survey, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive. Some highlights were: the majority of students and families seem to have found a working structure and schedule to their day, feedback on district, school, and staff communication was excellent, and the workload for the majority of students has been within the exact range we would expect. We will continue to work through the feedback we have received to improve our remote learning system. I am incredibly proud of our administrative team, our teachers, staff, students, families, and partners. It has been a true team effort. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their feedback and thoughts with us. 


There are understandably questions regarding grading, graduation, placements, hiring, services, summer options, and what may lie ahead for the rest of the year. These are just a few examples amongst many other things that we are working through at this time. Our team appreciates the patience, understanding, and flexibility of everyone as we move through this journey together.  


Here are some quick updates for you for this week:


Food Service


Most of the kitchen staff continues to package approximately 1500 meals weekly for our drive-through pickup on Mondays. We have also been delivering food to families with the support of the SHARE program volunteers.  The food service department continues to work through new applications for our food program, and processing them within a day.


We are doing all we can to help our families during these challenging times, and SHARE has been a tremendous partner in assisting us. SHARE is now taking grocery lists through their website. If someone needs food, they can go to www.sharenh.org. There is a pop-up on the home page and info on their “NEED HELP” page.

A reminder to all families, you can apply anytime online for Free/Reduced meals.  


Please contact Maryann Gallagher for assistance: 

603-673-4201 Ext. 3473



WiFi Access


In order to provide more equity and access in regards to remote learning, we have opened district internet access - Wifi in the football field area. This is set to turn on at 8:00 am and off at 8:00 pm every day. Students or staff can park by the field, access Wifi, and complete their work. 


Virtual Enrichment Offerings via the Boys and Girls Club


The Boys and Girls Club is planning to offer to our community a variety of virtual enrichment offerings accessible through the club website www.svbgc.org and Facebook page (Boys & Girls Club of Souhegan Valley). The club has created an activities page where the staff post fun things and some challenges that the kids can do at any point in the day, and they can go on the page and share. We are also doing Zoom lunch chats with the children everyday by age group. If you are interested in any of these programs, or you would like more information, please contact Caitlin Hunter Ross, Director of Operations: Boys & Girls Club Souhegan Valley at [email protected]


All buildings (if they haven’t already) will be sending home updates to parents on our school-week. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Principals with any questions, and/or support needed for your student, family. We are here to help in any way we can. Again, I just want to give a huge shout out to our teachers and staff. There have been such wonderful things happening across the district such as virtual clubs, evening sing-a-longs, new practices, and videos. We certainly have a lot to celebrate as a community during this challenging time. 


Thank you again for all of your support! Be well and stay safe.



Dr. Jessica Huizenga