Policies - Section 5000 » 5012 - Behavior Management

5012 - Behavior Management

5012 Behavior Management 5012
Disciplinary action will focus both on consequences and on improving inappropriate behavior. The Superintendent shall set forth procedures for the management of student behavior designed to maintain an environment conducive to learning. Student conduct that disrupts instruction or impacts the rights of others may be cause for disciplinary action, including suspension.
No teacher, administrator, student, or other person will subject a student to corporal punishment or condone the use of corporal punishment by any person under his or her supervision or control. Permission to administer corporal punishment will not be sought or accepted from any parent, guardian, or school official.
Physical restraint is authorized when needed to protect the safety of the individual student and/or other students and employees. Documentation of any incident requiring such restraint will be provided to the Principal.
Legal Reference:
RSA 627:6, II, Physical Force by Persons With Special Responsibilities
Adopted: 12/2008
Revised: 9/2010