Policies - Section 5000 » 5095 - Memorandum of Understanding by and between the MPD and the Milford School District

5095 - Memorandum of Understanding by and between the MPD and the Milford School District

5095 Memorandum of Understanding by and between 5095
the Milford Police Department and the Milford School District
It is the intention of the Milford Police Department and the Milford School District to work in a joint cooperative effort to provide a safe school environment for student, staff and visitors. We intend to do this in compliance with New Hampshire RSA 193-D, Safe School Zone, and RSA 193-B, Drug-Free School Zone.

Communication and sharing of information is the importance to any cooperative effort.  As required by law, it is agreed that every school employee who has witnessed, or who has information from the victim of or a witness to an act of theft, destruction, or violence in a safe school zone shall immediately report such act immediately to a supervisor. A supervisor receiving such report shall immediately forward such information to the school principal who shall file it with the Milford Police Department. Such report shall be made by the Principal to the Milford Police Department immediately, by telephone or otherwise, and shall be followed within 48 hours by completion of Ed Form 317.

Ed Form 317, required above, shall be waived by law enforcement officials when there is a law enforcement response at the time of the incident which results in a written police report.

It is further agreed that simple assault involving students in kindergarten through grade12 need not be reported to the police. In these circumstances, parents of all students directly involved will be notified by telephone and confirmed by letter. The letter shall describe the incident and the school district’s response to the incident.

New Hampshire RSA 193-D:7 relieves school employees of concerns regarding
confidentiality and reads:

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it shall be permissible for any law
enforcement officer and any school administrator to exchange information relating only to acts of theft, destruction, or violence in a safe school zone regarding the identity of any juvenile, police records relating to a juvenile, or other relevant information when such information reasonably relates to delinquency or criminal conduct, suspected delinquency or suspected criminal conduct, or any conduct which would classify a pupil as a child in need of services under RSA 169-D or a child in need of protection under RSA 169-C.

Nothing contained in this memorandum is intended to limit the events that may be reported to the police department or to limit school employees from requesting police assistance on matters not referred to in this memorandum.

The Police Department and the School District agree to provide their employees with copies of this memorandum of understanding. The parties further agree to maintain regular and open communication to evaluate the effect of this memorandum and to suggest improvements and adjustments that may be necessary.
________________________________   ________________________________  
Superintendent of Schools  Chief of Police
________________________________   ________________________________  
Date  Date