Policies - Section 2200 » 2298 - Video/Audio Recording & Live Streaming in Classrooms

2298 - Video/Audio Recording & Live Streaming in Classrooms

2298 Video and Audio Recording and Live Streaming in School Classrooms 2298
The Board recognizes that video and/or audio records (“recordings”) can serve many variable purposes that align with our school’s education mission and programming. The Board approves the use of these recordings and/or live streaming for education purposes including, but not limited to, recording student performances for instructional purposes; creating classroom instruction materials; and providing tools for teacher instruction and development.

A. Purposes for Which Written Consent Is Required
  1. Written consent is required from the teacher and the parent or legal guardian of each
    affected student if the recording is for the purpose of teacher evaluation. This consent
    shall be required only after school board approval after a public hearing. Prior consent
    must be obtained on an annual basis.
  1. Written consent is required from the parent/guardian of each affected student if live
    streaming is to be sent outside the District.

B. Circumstances Under Which Written Consent is Not Required
  1. Video and/or audio recordings made pursuant to a student’s IEP or 504 Plan, when the
    IEP or 504 Team determines that such recording is necessary for the delivery of a free
    appropriate public education (FAPE), do not require consent under this policy.
In such cases, the IEP or 504 Team is expected to establish reasonable conditions and
limitations reasonably necessary for the student to receive a FAPE.
  1. Recordings made consistent with the District’s FERPA Annual notice as
    provided in the Student Handbook.
  1. Live Streaming for instructional purposes within the classroom or District.

C. Written Notice:

Written notice to parents is required when the recordings are used for instruction of teacher interns or student teachers.

Legal Reference: RSA 189:68, IV.

Adopted: 3/2016
Revised: 12/2016, 4/2018