Policies - Section 4000 » 4007 - (JLCA) Physical Examinations of Students

4007 - (JLCA) Physical Examinations of Students

4007 (JLCA) Physical Examinations of Students 4007 (JLCA) 
A. General. Each child must have written evidence of a complete physical examination within one
year preceding first entry to the school district. Additionally, each child shall have written evidence
of a physical examination within one year before entry into sixth grade and again before entry into
high school.

Parents of students transferring to the District must present documentation evidencing of meeting
the physical examination requirement prior to or upon first entry into the District's schools. Failure
to comply with this provision may result in exclusion from school for the child.

B. Conditional Enrollment. If an examination required under paragraph A above has not been
performed within the preceding year, the school will accept documentation of an appointment for a
physical examination within two months of enrollment, or other time deemed appropriate by the

C. Homeless Students and Unaccompanied Youth. Pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Act and
Board Policy (5056) JFABD, homeless students and/or unaccompanied youth, may enroll and
attend school while the Homeless Liaison works with the family/student to obtain examinations or
documentation of the same

D. Special Examination. – Pursuant to RSA 200:34 every child with a presenting problem and
whom the school nurse, deems to require further evaluation, may be referred by the school nurse,
with the consent of the principal, to the parents or guardian of said child for examination, and
evaluation by an appropriate practitioner. If the parents fail or neglect to have said child so
examined and fail to present the recommendations from said examiner within a reasonable period
after the referral by the school, then said child may be examined by a qualified health care
provider. In significant cases, the matter may be reported to DCYF pursuant to (2408) JLF.
E. Participation on Athletic Teams. Prior to participation on a school athletic team, students must
provide written documentation that they have passed a physical. Such exam must be completed
at least once every school year. This requirement does not apply to students participating in
intramural athletics. At the District’s sole discretion, the school may schedule physical exams with
a single, qualified health care provider (i.e., physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or
licensed physician’s assistant). Any student who misses the scheduled physicals must present
evidence of a physical exam from a licensed health care provider.

F. Parent Notification - Certain Circumstances. Pursuant to the Protection of Pupil Rights
Amendment, if the District utilizes federal money to perform physical exams or screenings on
students, the District will notify parent(s) of such physical exam or screening and will allow the
parent's to "opt out" their child of any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening
required as a condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent and scheduled by
the school, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student or of another
student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening
permitted or required under state law.

G. Religious Exemption. No medical examination shall be required of a child whose parent or
guardian objects thereto in writing on the grounds such medical examination is contrary to his/her
religious tenets and teachings.
NH Statutes   Description
RSA 141-C:20-c   Exemptions
RSA 200:32   Physical Examination of Student
RSA 200:34   Special Examination
RSA 200:38
NH Dept of Ed Regulation 
N.H. Code of Admin. Rules Section Ed. 311.03
Federal Statutes   Description
20 U.S.C. § 1232h   Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
Related Policies
5056 (JFABD), 4002 (JLC), 4015 (JLCB), 4010 (JLCD)
Adopted: January 22, 2024