Policies - Section 4000 » 4030 - HIV/AIDS Policy

4030 - HIV/AIDS Policy

4030 HIV/AIDS Policy 4030


1. It is the School Board's belief that all students are to have available to them a free and appropriate education.

2. Students diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, who are too ill to attend school, should have an appropriate alternative education plan such as home instruction.

3. Laws of medical confidentiality mandate that the rights of the family supersede those of the School District. No notification of any HIV/AIDS infected person has to be made. However, notification to appropriate personnel is encouraged to promote a safe environment. Such personnel may be administrators, school nurses, or teacher(s). Notification should be by a process that would ensure maximum student confidentiality. Written permission by parent/guardian will determine who is informed.

4. As a general rule, all students diagnosed as having HIV/AIDS, who are receiving medical attention, are able to attend regular classes and should be considered eligible for all rights, privileges, and services, provided by law and local policy of the School District. Exceptions to the above would be:

a. The presence of a secondary infection which creates a medically recognized risk of transmission of disease.

b. Inappropriate behavior, such as biting, which increases the likelihood of transmission of bodily fluids.

5. Since a student, known by the District to be diagnosed as having HIV/AIDS, has a somewhat greater risk of encountering infection in the school setting the parents/guardians of that student will be notified, and encouraged to exclude such student from school if there is an outbreak of a threatening communicable disease such as chicken pox or measles until the outbreak is no longer a threat.

6. Siblings of students diagnosed as having HIV/AIDS are able to attend school without any further restrictions.

7. In-service education of appropriate school personnel should ensure that proper medical and current information about HIV/AIDS is available.


1. The rights of School District staff having HIV/AIDS conform with the policies above. Staff members will be allowed to work as long as they meet expected performance standards and do not pose a health or safety threat.

Adopted: 08/1986
Revised: 05/1993, 11/1995, 09/2008