2021 - Letters from the Superintendent » 2021 - February

2021 - February

                                                                                                                                      Feb. 28, 2021,  12:50 PM
Good Afternoon Milford Community,
Please see the full reopening of school plan to be discussed at the School Board Meeting on Monday, March 1, at 7:00 pm.
Best Regards,
Dr. Jessica Huizenga
                                                                                                                               Feb. 18, 2021,  1:32 PM

Dear Milford Community,
Mr. Demers has notified me that two MMS community members have tested positive for COVID-19. In one case, the last time the individual was in the building was Friday, February 12. After consultation with the principal and completing contact tracing, there were no close contacts associated with this case. In the other instance, the individual was last in the building on Monday, February 15 and there are three close contacts identified. Those families have been contacted.
After consultation with building administration and local health officials, Milford Middle School will remain open tomorrow, February 19, 2021.
Thank you,
Jessica Huizenga
                                                                                                                                            Feb. 15, 2021,  11:26 AM

Dear Milford Community,

Our good friend the Groundhog continues his Winter Wrath... Tomorrow we are expecting a significant amount of icing, and small amount of snow. Icing can bring power outages, and will make for precarious driving conditions. Student and Staff safety is our number one priority. If weather conditions are poor, tomorrow will be a traditional snow day, which means no classes.

I will be monitoring the situation, and making a call as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience as we move through the Winter Season...

Best Regards,
Dr. Jessica Huizenga
                                                                                                                                                    Feb. 8, 2021,  3:33 PM
Dear Milford Families:
Ms. Davis notified me this afternoon that a MHS community member has tested positive for Covid-19. The last time the individual was in the building was Friday, 2/5. After consultation with the Principal, after completing the tracing at the building level, it has been determined that there is one close contact. We will not need to close the building and school will be in session. We will continue with our plans to do our normal cleaning of the building tonight.
Dr. Jessica Huizenga
                                                                                                     Feb. 2, 2021,  6:45 PM
Dear Milford Families:
Ms. Davis notified me this evening that a MHS community member has tested positive for Covid-19. The last time the individual was in the building was Friday, 1/29. After consultation with the Principal, after completing the tracing at the building level, it has been determined that we do not need to go remote tomorrow (Friday, Feb. 5). Therefore, school will be in session. Ms. Davis has spoken with Jason Smedick, Chief Flaherty, and is in contact with those who need to be quarantined. We will continue with our plans to do our normal cleaning of the building tonight.
As we continue to deal with this pandemic, following safety protocols will be critical to limit the spread of this illness. Therefore, if you or your child are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, chills, respiratory illness, aches or change in taste and smell, please stay home and away from others and get a COVID-19 PCR test. If your child is experiencing symptoms, you should alert their provider that they were possibly exposed to a positive COVID case before going into the practice. You may also choose to seek out testing from your healthcare provider or at one of the testing sites located throughout the state:
If you choose either of those options, you should bring this letter with you.
Please note that if you or your child are currently quarantined, you must complete quarantine, even if your test is negative. This is because the maximum amount of time from being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 and testing positive is 10 days. Therefore, even if your child tests negative today, they would need to quarantine until they reach the 14th day following exposure.
The safety of our children, employees and visitors is our top priority. To ensure your health and safety, we have been following CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting for our high-traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces.  Because COVID-19 is most commonly spread through respiratory droplets, we should all take the following precautions to prevent the spread of the disease:
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available. 
  • Avoid close contact with others. When outside your home, keep a distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and others. This is known as social distancing. 
  • Wear a cloth face covering that covers your mouth and nose to protect others when in public areas. 
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands. 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. 
  • Stay home if you have a fever or are not feeling well. 

Children may worry about themselves, their family and friends getting sick with COVID-19. Tips for talking to children about COVID-19 can be found here.


To learn more about COVID-19, please check these trusted resources:

Dr. Jessica Huizenga