2021 - Letters from the Superintendent » 2021 - August

2021 - August

Aug 31, 2021,  2:55 PM           
Dear Parents, Families, and Milford School Community,

The Milford School District is excited to welcome students back to school in the next few days.  We are beginning in the YELLOW phase as described in the original Return to Learning plan approved by the Milford School Board on August 16th. In this plan, masks are recommended in all phases, however not required at the YELLOW phase unless positive cases within the school warrant targeted mask use.

 **MASKS ARE REQUIRED ON ALL SCHOOL BUSSES per federal law.** - Choosing not to wear a mask on a school bus will result in loss of bus riding privileges. Thanks very much for your cooperation and kindness to our bus drivers!
Please refer to our Return to Learning plan for detailed information - HERE
Please NOTE:
  • Phases are determined and communicated based on town positivity rates and school COVID data, and with consideration to county transmission data.  
  • Air Duct cleaning is nearing completion, and an update of this extensive project will be provided at next week's School Board meeting.
  • Each classroom was provided a large box fan for air circulation.
  • Students who opt to wear a mask will be provided mask breaks as we did last year.
  • Handwashing, distancing at 3ft, and daily cleaning and disinfecting will occur.
  • Outdoor instruction is encouraged as it was a positive experience last school year for students and teachers!
  • Daily self-monitoring for wellness is expected.  Please see attached guide.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to your school principal or to me with any questions you may have.  Let's #TEAM UP for a great school year ahead!
Welcome Back letter from Ms. Christi Michaud, Interim Superintendent
Aug 13, 2021,  4:21 PM           
Dear Milford Families, Faculty and Staff, and Community Members,

I hope this message finds you staying cool in this August heat. I’d like to genuinely thank you for the feedback we received on the “2021 Return to Learning” draft plan shared last week. Your thoughtful questions, concerns, and ideas were not only appreciated, but helpful as they led to the revisions you’ll notice in the updated plan.

Additionally, NH DHHS had another call with school leaders yesterday and shared updated resources for schools and families. I’ve inserted those here for your easy access.

The safety of students, faculty, and staff remains our top priority, and we understand that monitoring community transmission and positive cases in schools, combined with consistent communication with you will be key to our success.

Our school principals and I will be speaking to our Return to Learning Plans at our upcoming School Board meeting on Monday, August 16th at 7:00 p.m.

The best school year yet is just around the corner, and we can hardly wait to welcome everyone back to school! Again, please don’t hesitate to communicate with me directly at [email protected] or with your child's school principal.

Ms. Christi Michaud
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Aug 3, 2021,  4:32 PM           
Dear Milford Families, Faculty and Staff, and Community Members,

I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the summertime sun with your friends and family. The attached document is a draft of the MSD Return to Learning Plan for the 2021-2022 school year developed with input from parents and families, faculty and staff, administration, and through recommendations provided by NH DHHS and NH Dept.of Education.
Safety of students, faculty, and staff remain our top priority. In preparation for the opening of the new school year, we continue to fine tune our protocols and practices in accordance with updated information from the NH DHHS and NH Dept. of Education. At this time, we feel it is important to share a draft of our Return to Learning Plan with you, and provide you an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.

I will be speaking to our Return to Learning Plans at our upcoming School Board meeting on Monday, August 16th at 7:00p.m. Additionally, our Principals will be sharing how each of our schools will address learning recovery and social-emotional/mental health needs. We are looking forward to implementing many of the strategies that came through our community survey in June, including after school programs, late bus pick-up, remediation and support during the school day, technology integration, literacy coaching, and student behavioral support.

We are eager to embark on the school year ahead. We are excited to welcome students and staff back to school, and move forward in the most positive ways as an educational community. I welcome you to communicate with me directly. Please share your questions or feedback by emailing me at [email protected]. For school specific questions, please reach out to your child's school principal.

Most Sincerely,
Ms. Christi Michaud
Interim Superintendent of Schools