2023 - September

Sep 22, 2023, 11:46 AM 
Dear Milford Community,
The Bedford School District has kindly shared information on two valuable upcoming parent forums.  Please see the links attached for...
  • Thriving and Surviving After a Suicide Attempt (Kevin Hines)
  • One Pill Can Kill (DEA)
Superintendent Michaud
Sep 20, 2023, 4:18 PM 
Dear Milford Families, 
Milford Police Department updated the School District on the CSX Railroad Crossing improvement projects. These projects, lasting 1-2 days, may create a significant impact on student arrival to school by car or bus, as well as delays in students returning home after school hours.
The railroad crossing projects will continue in the Milford community during the week of September 25. Please see the affected roads and intersections listed below.  MPD Nixle notifications will alert you 24 hours in advance of work occurring that may affect your commute or your child's bus route to school. 
Sunday 9/24 into Monday 9/25 - Nashua St. & Powers St. 
Tuesday 9/26 - South St.
Wednesday 9/27 -Union St.
Thursday 9/28 - West St.
Friday 9/29 - Westchester Dr.
PLEASE PLAN FOR EXTRA TIME as detours and rerouting will occur.  Schools will excuse student tardiness if arrival time is impacted.
Thank you,
Superintendent Michaud
Sep 5, 2023, 5:55 PM 

Dear Milford Families, 


Milford Police Department alerted the School District today, Sept. 5, of the upcoming CSX Railroad Crossing improvement project. These projects, lasting 1-2 days, may create a significant impact on student arrival to school by car or bus, as well as delays in students returning home after school hours.
MPD expects the railroad crossing projects to begin in the Milford community later this week and into next week. Please see the affected roads and intersections listed below.  MPD Nixle notifications will alert you 24 hr in advance of work occurring that may affect your commute or your child's bus route to school. 
PLEASE PLAN FOR EXTRA TIME as detours and rerouting will occur.  Schools will excuse student tardiness if arrival time is impacted.
Thank you,
Superintendent Michaud