Policies - Section 2400 » 2402 - Staff Conduct and Ethics

2402 - Staff Conduct and Ethics

2402 Staff Conduct and Ethics 2402

All employees of the District are expected to maintain high standards in their conduct both on and off duty. District employees are responsible for providing leadership in the school community. This responsibility requires the employee to maintain standards of exemplary conduct. To these ends, the Board adopts the following statements of standards. District employees will adhere to the standards enunciated in this Policy in the decision-making process involving their interactions with students, the school community, colleagues, parents and the public.

Employees are advised that failure to abide by this and other school board policies can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, and can result in nonrenewal. Any action taken regarding an employee’s employment with the District will be consistent with all rules, laws, and collective bargaining agreements, if applicable.

A. Adoption and Incorporation of Standards of Code of Ethics for New Hampshire Educators.

The Board incorporates by reference and adopts as independent ethical standards relative to employment in the District, the provisions of the New Hampshire Code of Ethics for New Hampshire Educators (the “NH Code of Ethics”), as the same may be amended by the State from time to time.

B. Adoption and Incorporation of Standards of Code of Conduct for New Hampshire Educators.

The Board incorporates by reference, and adopts as independent standards of conduct relative to employment in the District, the provisions of the New Hampshire Code of Conduct for New Hampshire Educators (Ed 510.01-510.05) (the “NH Code of Conduct”), as the same may be amended by the State from time to time. The District reserves the right to take employment action against any employee based upon the District's interpretation of the provisions of the NH Code of Conduct and the District’s independent assessment of whether an employee has violated said provisions. The District’s interpretation, assessment and/or action thereon, are independent of any
interpretation by the New Hampshire Department of Education (“DOE”) with respect to those standards, and irrespective of any investigation by or action taken by the DOE relative to a District employee’s conduct.

C. Additional Standards of Conduct and Ethics.

In addition to the ethical standards set forth in the New Hampshire Code of Ethics, and without limiting the application thereof to District employment, employees will:
  • Ensure the wellbeing of students the fundamental value of all decision-making and actions.
  • Maintain a reasonable standard of care for the supervision, control and protection of students commensurate with their assigned duties and responsibilities.
  • Maintain just, courteous, and proper relationships with students, parents, staff members, and others.
  • Fulfill their job responsibilities with honesty and integrity.
  • Direct any criticism of other staff members toward improving the District. Such
    constructive criticism is to be made directly to the building administrator.
  • Obey all local, state, and national laws.
  • Obey and implement the School Board’s policies, administrative rules and
  • Avoid using position for personal gain through political, social, religious, economic,
    or other influence.
  • Maintain the standards and seek to improve the effectiveness of the profession
    through research and continuing professional development.
  • Honor all contracts until fulfillment or release.
  • Maintain all privacy and confidentiality standards as required by law.
  • Exhibit professional conduct both on and off duty.
  • Comply with reasonable rules and expectations as established by the School District policies and defined within the District Employee Handbook.
D. Employee Rights and Responsibilities.

In an effort to maintain successful school district and educational operations, all staff
members are expected to fulfill their legal and moral responsibilities. Such
responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
  1. Faithfulness and promptness in attendance at work.
  2. Adherence, support and enforcement of all School Board policies and administrative regulations.
  3. Adherence, support and enforcement of all education related statutes and Department of Education regulations.
  4. Protection, Care and safeguarding of school property.
  5. Fulfill other responsibilities as may, from time to time, be implemented or established by the School Board or administration.
The School Board will respect all employee rights established by law, School Board
policy, and collective bargaining agreements, as applicable.
E. Dissemination.

The content of this policy should be included in every employee/staff member handbook,
and/or otherwise provided annually to each employee, designated volunteer, and
contracted party.
Legal References:
RSA 189:13, Dismissal of Teacher
RSA 189:14-a, Failure to Be Re-nominated or Re-elected
RSA 189:14-d, Termination of Employment
RSA 189:31, Removal of Teacher
N.H. Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed 511, Denial, Suspension or Revocation of Certified Personnel
N.H. Code of Ethics/Conduct for Educational Professionals
N.H. Dept. of Education Administrative Rule – Ed 303.01
N.H. Dept. of Education Administrative Rule – Ed 510.01- 510.05, Code of Conduct for
N.H. Educators
Adopted: 8/1974
Revised: 3/1989, 6/2007, 12/2019